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Virtual Machine (VM)

With the latest Microsoft® Windows operating systems and Dell Hardware, Synergy Networks Servers are high performance, secure and scalable. They are maintained and specially optimized by Synergy Networks for use on the Internet. Microsoft® operating systems are the foundation used by hundreds of companies for their web, intranet, extranet and integrated business solutions.

Virtual Machine (VM) / Virtual Private Server (VPS)

Synergy Networks' VM hosting provides a segregated environment on a single virtual machine allowing resources (RAM, storage, and CPU) solely for your website or application. If you need a scalable controlled environment with high performance, VPS hosting can cover your needs.

Features and Benefits

  • Lower operating costs
  • Lower hardware costs
  • Higher Performance than a shared environment
  • Easily scalable
  • Quicker backup and recovery
  • Reduction in downtime due to error or disaster

Dedicated Server Inquiry